Collection: Bug wings
Have you ever imagined having jewellery made of natural elements that would simply make you as gorgeous as a goddess?
The Bug Wings collection has started from a passion for colour and nature that Ghislaine, director and designer of Golsong has been developing since her childhood. It is only when she met an entomologist who shared his love and passion for these little insects that she discovered the “green beetle”and its gorgeous greenish, bluish, brownish colours. The same as used by the artist Jean Fabre in 2002 in the Belgian Royal Palace to create “Heavens of Delight”.
Dreaming of these natural wonders, Ghislaine could not stop wishing to design earrings as light as feathers, as shinny as a diamond and as versatile to wear with any outfit as a diamond could. It is after some research to find a beetle farm that she started creating these marvellous little earrings!
Perfect wow factor, you will not even feel them on your ears but only hear their cliqueti sound reminding you of how beautiful they make you look!